血管外科医生是专门从事保持人体血管健康的内科医生. Yankton医疗诊所提供血管手术,提供从治疗蜘蛛静脉到治疗动脉和静脉斑块积聚的一切.

一些血管疾病可以非手术治疗. Indeed, 大多数血管外科医生首先会尝试寻找非侵入性的方法来解决病人的血管问题. 但当需要手术时,进行正确的矫正手术是很重要的. Yankton Medical Clinic offers cutting edge, 为有循环系统问题的患者提供高科技血管手术选择.

What is Vascular Surgery?

Vascular surgery is not a single procedure. 相反,有许多程序可以帮助患者获得健康的血管. In a general sense, 血管外科医生专门帮助你保持你的循环系统健康,并负责从成像和诊断到重症监护的一切.

当没有安全的非手术方法来达到理想的静脉或动脉健康水平时,就采用血管手术. Dr. Luke C. Serck, M.D., 是全球最大赌博365网站血管外科专家,并将管理所有血管外科手术, including diagnostics and non-invasive treatments.

Vascular Surgery Procedures

Yankton医疗诊所为我们的患者提供各种血管手术程序. These procedures are performed by Dr. Serck and include the following:

Procedures for Peripheral Arterial Disease

  • Angioplasty and stenting 血管成形术是一种将小导管穿过冠状血管以检测阻塞的手术. 支架是一个小的网状管,可以留在原地,以帮助保持血管畅通. 在许多情况下,为了患者的舒适、健康和方便,这两个步骤同时进行.
  • Atherectomy – 这种微创手术旨在清除血管壁上的斑块. 动脉粥样硬化切除术可以改善血液循环,有助于降低心脏病发作和中风的风险.
  • Bypass – 动脉旁路手术将寻求通过提供血液绕过阻塞的途径来改善血液循环. If a vein or artery is severely clogged, 健康的血管可以被移植到合适的位置,提供一条绕过阻塞的通道. 因此,成功的搭桥手术可以显著改善动脉健康.

Procedures for Carotid Artery Disease

  • Carotid Endarterectomy – 当向大脑供血的颈部动脉被斑块严重堵塞时, 颈动脉内膜切除术可以改善血液循环. 在这个过程中,在颈部做一个切口,外科医生将清除动脉.
  • TransCarotid Artery Revascularization – This procedure, sometimes called a TCAR, 能改善大脑循环,降低中风的风险吗. Dr. Serck是南达科他州地区第一位进行微创TCAR手术的血管外科医生.
  • Minimally invasive carotid artery stenting – 支架是一种微小的网状金属管,可以帮助保持动脉畅通和血液流动. During this minimally invasive procedure, 导管将穿过你的血管直到颈动脉, where the stent will be placed.
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm – The aorta is your body’s main blood highway, 因此,如果不及时治疗,主动脉瘤可能会危及生命. An aneurysm is a bulging blood vessel; in this case, Dr. 瑟克将进行治疗以防止血管破裂.
  • Minimally invasive endovascular stent graft – During an endovascular stent graft, 为了保持血液的顺畅,将在主动脉内放置支架. Two small incisions are placed in the groin area, and a catheter is used to place the stent in position.
  • Surgical treatment – 在许多情况下,颈动脉疾病可能需要紧急或立即手术干预. 全球最大赌博365网站可以帮助病人获得这些服务. Serck can perform the required procedures.

Treatment for Varicose Veins

  • Sclerotherapy – 这种方法用于减少静脉曲张或蜘蛛静脉的出现. 将药物注射到血管或淋巴管中以达到预期的效果. 硬化疗法通常在我们的全球最大赌博365网站办公室进行, located in Yankton, SD; Scotland, SD; Wagner, SD; and O’Neill, NE.
  • Radiofrequency ablation (venous closure) – 利用射频脉冲加热并关闭目标静脉, 射频消融术是消除静脉曲张的常用方法. 这一过程也经常在办公室进行.

Treatment for Deep Vein Thrombosis/Pulmonary Embolism

  • Catheter-directed thrombolysis – 溶栓是一种医学疗法,用于消除血管内不需要的或异常的血块. 处理血凝块有助于保护器官和重要功能. Initially, the clots tend to form in the legs, pelvis, 或者下半身,但当他们开始旅行时,可能会非常危险.
  • Systemic fibrinolysis – 这个过程是一种鼓励身体开始分解全身血块的方法. 纤溶是人体分解血块的自然过程.
  • Surgical embolectomy – 当心脏或肺部周围的血块特别严重时, a surgical remedy may be required. 外科栓塞切除术是利用心内直视手术去除血栓,确保血液循环健康. 一般来说,这一程序只在严重或紧急情况下使用.

Treatment for Dialysis Access

  • Fistula Placement – Dialysis 包括从血液中过滤化学物质和副产品(通常是, the job your kidneys would be doing). To facilitate dialysis, a fistula is placed within your body, creating an access point for the dialysis machine. 因为瘘管必须与你的循环系统连接,这个过程是由医生. Serck.

Your South Dakota and Nebraska Vascular Surgeon

健康的血管系统有助于预防严重的疾病,如中风和心脏病发作. 所以,如果你对血管手术或你的血管健康有疑问,联系专家医生. 瑟克办公室,电话605-664-2742,预约咨询!


Yankton Medical Clinic, P.C.

1104 West Eighth Street
Yankton, SD 57078

Main Clinic Number:

Medical Records Fax

Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m. – Noon

ConvenientCare Hours
Appointments Required

Monday – Friday
5 – 7 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday
Noon – 3 p.m.

Scotland Medical Clinic

Scotland Medical Clinic
600 Billars St,
Scotland, SD 57059

For Appointments: 605-583-2227

Bubak Medical Clinic

517 3rd St SE,
Wagner, SD 57380

For Appointments: 605-384-5457

Avera St. Anthony’s Hospital Specialty Clinic

300 N 2nd St,
O’Neill, NE 68763

For Appointments: 402-336-5122